a perfect retirement retirement readiness female blogger 55+

I am thinking about retirement non- stop obsessive thinking. Is it time? Can I really afford it? Will I be bored or worse, will I be boring?

Before I turned 50, I made money, I spent money. I worked hard and made choices that I thought made life easier so I could focus on work. I also had fun with my money too but I. Had. No. Plan.

On my 50th birthday, I woke up. I was single with 2 cats, a small 401K savings, and my own home.  So, I started to formulate a plan. It wasn’t a formal and fancy plan. I funded my 401K every year as early in the year as I could for starters. (that is a post in itself). Along the way, I got married at 52 and relocated across the country. This was not part of my original plan but it was a good thing! Trying to figure it all out, I wasn’t finding much information on the emotional piece of retirement. How do you transition into your new life? Will it include some kind of paid work? Volunteer? Travel? Watch TV all day? How will I define my life without my work identity?

The financial issues matter too. Will my husband and I have enough saved for good healthcare, both the known problems and any surprises? Where are we really going to live and are we going to live there full-time?

And what am I not prepared for?

Do you think about it too?

There is an old Yiddish proverb, “man plans, God laughs.”  Maybe it’s not about just planning, maybe it’s about the willingness to change plans when necessary.

If this strikes a chord or hits a nerve, come along for the ride!